Scripts for Amateur French Theatre

# of characters:
Playing time:
16 (11 w / 5 m)*
Approx. 1 hour
Minimal (chairs &/or cubes to configure different sets)
Contemporary, with minor additions as needed (glasses, lab coats, hats)
* easily expanded or reduced, depending on number of sketches performed, number of roles per actor. Gender of roles adaptable
English Synopsis
The Comédiens Caroilngiens 2017 revived and updated a show first created - with the gracious permission of Bénabar himself - by the student troupe back in 2007, the year “Le Dîner,” the opening track on Bénabar’s fourth album, Reprise des négotiations, was voted the best original song of the year at the 22nd annual Victoire de la Musique. Bénabar’s sound, to quote one critic ”recalls an earlier, music hall style. His lyrics delve into the details of people’s lives, describing their personal worlds, revealing all their faults and failings, and he has a way of making us find them lovable.” Excellent for the study of idiomatic French and perfect for the Comédiens Carolingiens. The “playlist” includes theatrical adaptations of seven songs from Reprise des négotiations (2005), two from his first album (Bénabar, 2001), two from his third (Les risques du métier, 2003) and five from his fifth, (Infréquentable, 2008). You can find out more about Bénabar at his official site All songs available for purchase and download via iTunes.
The 2017 production involved a collaboratively-produced multi-media "backdrop," projected as an Apple Keynote presentation. Readily adaptable PowerPoint and available for free upon request.
Individual sketches:

L'itinéraire / Directions (Les risques du métier) Six friends on a road trip with bad directions. It doesn’t end well.
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Les numéros / Numbers (Infréquentable) Trying to remember them can be like performing a high-wire act…
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Quatre murs & un toit / Four Walls & a Roof (Reprise des négociations) Life comes at you fast in the suburbs.
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Le méchant de James Bond / The Bad Guy in the James Bond Films (Bénabar) It’s the bad guy who wins the blonde(s) for once – but do they want him?
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La berceuse / The Lullaby (Reprise des négociations) Trying to get a baby to sleep can be tricky.
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L'effet papillon / The Butterfly Effect (Infréquentable) How chaos theory works… & it’s all your fault !
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Le fou rire / Uncontrollable Laughter (Reprise des négociations) A nun trips at a funeral. Even the dearly departed laughs.
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Le coup du lapin / Getting Stood Up (Infréquentable) A guy, a café, a girl who leaves both & a missed opportunity.
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Qu'est-ce que tu voulais que je lui dise ? / What Did You Want Me to Say? (Reprise des négociations) A bitter commentary on injustice, both social & sentimental.
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Le dîner / The Dinner (Reprise des négociations) Sometimes a guy just doesn’t want to have dinner with his girlfriend’s friends.
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Les épices du souk du Caire / Spices in a Cairo Market (Reprise des négociations) Put that camera away! We’ve got enough %#*! pictures!

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Si j'avais su / If I had known (Infréquentable) A guy, a café, a girl who leaves both & a missed opportunity.
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Dis-lui oui ! / Tell Him Yes ! (Les risques du métier) A girl, a café & friends trying to talk her into taking back her boyfriend. Only problem is… he’s dating her mother.
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Les reflets verts / Hints of Green in Your Eyes (Infréquentable) Past relationships can haunt you, especially if you play the guitar.
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Où t'étais passé ? / Where Were You? (Infréquentable) Inter-species jealousy is the worst.
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A notre santé ! / To Our Health ! (Bénabar) One couple drinks and smokes, another doesn’t. Who has more fun? You be the judge.
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